The Magic of Physics: Engaging Experiments to Make Homeschooling Fun

Asynchronous, self-paced high school science curriculum

Physics is a captivating science that governs the fundamental principles of the universe. For high school homeschoolers, exploring physics through hands-on experiments can turn learning into an exciting adventure. By introducing engaging physics experiments, we can ignite curiosity, foster critical thinking, and make homeschooling an enjoyable experience. In this blog post, we will delve into the magic of physics and present five captivating experiments that will inspire your high school homeschoolers to embrace the wonders of this captivating science.

The Power of Pendulums: Understanding Periodic Motion

The pendulum experiment is a classic physics demonstration that introduces high schoolers to the concept of periodic motion. This experiment illustrates the relationship between length, mass, and the period of the pendulum, providing a tangible understanding of physics principles.

For this experiment, you'll need a string, a weight (such as a small ball or a metal nut), and a stopwatch.

  1. Attach one end of the string to a fixed point, like a hook on the ceiling or a doorknob.
  2. Tie the weight to the other end of the string, creating a simple pendulum.
  3. Pull the pendulum to one side and release it, allowing it to swing freely.
  4. Use a stopwatch to time how long it takes for the pendulum to complete one full swing back and forth (from the starting point to the opposite side and back).
  5. Repeat the experiment several times, changing the length of the string or the mass of the weight and recording the time for each trial.

Encourage your high schooler to observe and analyze the results. They will notice that changing the length of the string or the mass of the weight affects the period of the pendulum. The longer the string, the longer it takes to complete one swing, and the heavier the weight, the longer the period. This experiment illustrates the concept of periodic motion and allows them to explore the relationship between length, mass, and the period of a pendulum.

Spinning Science: Investigating Angular Momentum

Explore angular momentum with the "Spinning Science" experiment. H This experiment highlights the conservation of angular momentum and its application in everyday phenomena, such as ice skaters spinning faster by pulling their arms close to their bodies.

For this experiment, you'll need a rotating stool or chair and some weights (dumbbells or similar objects).

  1. Have your high schooler sit on the rotating stool or chair, keeping their arms extended outward.
  2. Start the rotation and observe the rotational speed.
  3. Ask them to pull their arms closer to their body while keeping the weights in their hands.
  4. Observe how the rotational speed changes when they pull their arms inwards.
  5. Repeat the experiment, extending their arms back out and observing the rotational speed again.

Your high schooler will notice that when they pull their arms inwards, the rotational speed increases, and when they extend their arms outward, the rotational speed decreases. This experiment demonstrates the conservation of angular momentum, where the total angular momentum remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. It shows how changing the moment of inertia (by altering the distribution of mass) affects rotational speed, like ice skaters spinning faster when they pull their arms close to their bodies.

The Magic of Magnetic Fields: Building a Simple Electromagnet

Constructing a simple electromagnet is an exciting way to explore the magic of magnetic fields. This experiment demonstrates the connection between electricity and magnetism, offering insights into the principles behind motors, generators, and countless modern technologies.

For this experiment, you'll need insulated wire, a nail or a small iron rod, a battery, and a battery holder.

  1. Wrap the insulated wire around the nail or iron rod several times to create a coil. Leave two loose ends of the wire.
  2. Connect one end of the wire to the positive terminal of the battery holder and the other end to the negative terminal.
  3. Place the nail or iron rod near small metal objects, such as paper clips or safety pins.

When the circuit is complete by connecting the wire to the battery, the nail or iron rod becomes magnetized, creating an electromagnet. Your high schooler can experiment with different numbers of wire coils or battery voltages to observe changes in the strength of the electromagnet. This experiment illustrates the relationship between electricity and magnetism and demonstrates how electromagnets are used in motors, generators, and many other modern technologies.

The Force of Friction: DIY Hovercraft

Build a DIY hovercraft to investigate the force of friction. This experiment illustrates the concept of air cushioning and how reducing friction allows for smoother movement.

For this experiment, you'll need a CD or a stiff board, a balloon, tape, and a bottle cap.

  1. Attach the bottle cap to the center of the CD or the stiff board using tape.
  2. Inflate the balloon and secure it to the bottle cap's opening.
  3. Place the hovercraft on a smooth surface, such as a table or a floor.
  4. Let the air escape from the balloon, and watch as the hovercraft glides smoothly across the surface.

The hovercraft works by reducing friction through air cushioning. The inflated balloon creates a layer of air between the hovercraft and the surface, reducing the contact area and minimizing friction. Your high schooler can experiment with different air pressures and surface materials to observe changes in the hovercraft's movement.

Light and Optics: Creating a Rainbow Prism

Explore the magic of light and optics by creating a rainbow prism. This experiment deepens understanding of how light behaves and how prisms are used in various optical devices.

For this experiment, you'll need a glass prism and a light source (a flashlight or a lamp).

  1. Place the glass prism on a flat surface, ensuring that sunlight or the light source is shining on it.
  2. Observe the mesmerizing spectrum of colors (rainbow) that appears on the surface opposite to the light source.
  3. Experiment with the angle of the prism and the distance between the prism and the light source to manipulate the colors. 

The prism refracts light, bending it as it passes through the glass. This bending of light causes the different colors to spread out, creating the beautiful rainbow spectrum. Your high schooler can explore how light behaves and use the prism to disperse light from various sources, making it a fun and educational optics experiment.


Introducing engaging physics experiments into your high school homeschooling curriculum can make learning a fascinating and enjoyable experience. By exploring concepts like periodic motion, angular momentum, electromagnetism, friction, and light through hands-on activities, your homeschoolers will develop a profound understanding of the magic of physics. These experiments foster curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, making physics an engaging and accessible subject. Embrace the magic of physics, and watch as your high school homeschoolers discover the wonders of the universe through interactive and captivating experiments.

Asynchronous, self-paced high school science curriculum


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