Designing a Sustainable Packaging Solution


The objective of this lab was to design a sustainable packaging solution for a common household item. The growing concern over plastic waste and environmental impact has highlighted the need for innovative packaging that balances functionality with eco-friendliness. Through this project, we aimed to explore materials science, design thinking, and the challenges of creating packaging that addresses real-world environmental issues.

Materials and Methods:

For this lab, we selected a small household item, a soap bar, as the target for our sustainable packaging solution. The materials and methods employed were as follows:

1. Research and Background:

We began by researching various sustainable packaging materials, such as biodegradable plastics, plant-based materials, and recycled paper. We also studied the properties of these materials, including their strength, biodegradability, and potential impact on the environment.

2. Brainstorming and Design Phase:

Based on our research, we brainstormed several packaging design concepts that could accommodate a soap bar while minimizing environmental impact. We considered factors like ease of use, protection of the product, and end-of-life disposal.

3. Material Selection:

After evaluating our design concepts, we selected a biodegradable plastic derived from cornstarch as the primary material for our packaging. This material offered a balance between durability and environmental compatibility.

4. Prototype Construction:

Using the biodegradable plastic sheets, we constructed prototypes of our packaging designs using a combination of cutting, folding, and gluing. Each prototype aimed to provide secure storage for the soap bar while minimizing excess material usage.

5. Testing:

We tested the prototypes for their ability to protect the soap bar from damage during handling and transportation. Additionally, we assessed the ease of opening the packaging and whether it could be resealed.


After thorough experimentation, we successfully designed a sustainable packaging solution for the soap bar using biodegradable cornstarch-based plastic. Our design provided a snug fit for the soap bar, offering protection while ensuring ease of use. The packaging demonstrated resistance to external forces, indicating its potential suitability for real-world usage.


Our sustainable packaging solution addressed the growing concern of plastic waste by utilizing a biodegradable material. While the material showed promise, we acknowledged the need for further research into its long-term degradation properties. Additionally, we recognized that challenges such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, and availability of materials could impact the implementation of our design on a larger scale.


The lab project provided valuable insights into the complexities of designing sustainable packaging solutions. We learned about the significance of material selection, the importance of considering end-of-life disposal, and the balance between practicality and environmental responsibility. As we continue to explore innovative ways to address global environmental challenges, sustainable packaging remains a critical area for innovation and improvement. Through our efforts in this lab, we contributed to the ongoing dialogue on creating a more sustainable future.

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